Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Danny Boy aka Londonderry Air in Roll Note

Here's a Roll Note arrangement of the tune Londonderry Air better known as Danny Boy that even a total piano novice can start playing without knowing anything about key signatures or the dreaded, annoying sharps and flats of Classic Notation.

In Roll Note the black dots (such as the second, third and fourth notes on page 1) ALWAYS represent black keys on the piano and those solid black notes ONLY fall on solid or dotted black lines. Notice how the black lines on the page are grouped in solid trios or dotted duos just like the black keys on a piano are grouped.

The hollow white dots (such as the first note on page 1) ALWAYS represent white keys and those hollow notes ONLY fall on the spaces between the solid or dotted black lines.

The dots represent the keystrikes, aka when you press the piano keys. The wiggly sine curve that follows the dots represent the sustain of that note sounded by the keystrike.

The tier of lines above the song lyrics is for the right hand; the tier of lines below the lyrics is for the left.

For a simple way to start try only playing the left hand part while you hum the tune or sing the lyrics to yourself.

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